Calls and Topics


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Regular Papers

The conference calls for research papers describing novel results in the conference research topics.


Limited to 12 content pages, including all figures, tables, and appendices, in the Springer LNCS style. Additional 2 pages containing only cited references are allowed.
To prepare your submission, refer to the submission guideline

Special Session Papers

Describing novel results that are focused on selected narrow topics.
The following are the accepted special sessions.


Limited to 12 content pages, including all figures, tables, and appendices, in the Springer LNCS style. Additional 2 pages containing only cited references are allowed.
To prepare your submission, refer to the submission guideline

Video Browser Showdown

Papers for the video browsing contest attendees. See more detail in VBS homepage


To prepare your submission, refer to the submission guideline


The conference calls for submissions giving an overview of new interesting software or methods.


Limited to 6 content pages, including all figures, tables, and appendices, in the Springer LNCS style. Additional 2 pages containing only cited references are allowed.
Furthermore, additional 1-2 pages must be appended to your PDF file, clearly describing what will be shown in the demonstration session and how MMM attendees can interact with your system or application. This additional content will not be published in the conference proceedings, should the submission be accepted. We also recommend including a URL linking to a short video (max. 3 min) to accompany the paper that shows the demonstration in action.
To prepare your submission, refer to the submission guideline

Special Session

Special sessions at MMM 2025 will focus on state-of-the-art research directions within the multimedia field. Special session papers, which can be invited or submitted, will supplement the regular research papers and be included in the proceedings of the conference. Special sessions should generally be organized in a panel format, where the authors have reduced time to present their work, followed by an extensive Q&A session with the audience. This has been shown to work well in recent editions of MMM.

The panel format is a general guideline rather than a strict requirement. If a proposal envisages a potential for a large number of submissions, or if particular value may be provided by the additional discussions that could come with the format of longer special session activities, we are open to such a submission and would negotiate it further.

Special Session Submission Process

Normally, each special session will include four to five papers. In addition to invited papers, if any, the conference will also welcome open submissions to special sessions. In order to ensure the high quality of accepted papers, all papers submitted to special sessions, including invited papers, will be peer-reviewed through a strict review process. If a special session has many high-quality submissions, some of the submissions might be moved to regular sessions. The review process will be coordinated with the main technical program review process of the MMM, as coordinated by the PC chairs. The organizers of each special session must provide 1-2 reviews per submitted / invited paper, while the regular program committee will provide another two reviews. Final decision on acceptance / rejection will be made jointly by the special session organizers and the MMM 2025 PC chairs.

Special session papers must follow the same guidelines as regular research papers with respect to restrictions on formatting, length, and double-blind reviews.

Special Session Proposal Guidelines

Please include the following information in your proposal:

  • Title of the proposed special session.

  • Name, affiliation, brief biography and contact information for each of the organizers.

  • A session abstract including significance justification and a brief overview of the state-of-the-art of the proposed special session topic.

    • Note: The session abstract should be in a format that can be copied directly to the conference web-page to advertise the session.
  • List of invited papers, if applicable, including for each paper: tentative title, author list, and preferably a short abstract.

  • Proposal for arrangement of the reviews from session organizers (e.g. list of reviewers for the special session).

  • Description of the session format (e.g. panel, technical talks, poster session).

  • Plans for advertising the special session (e.g. targeted distribution lists, projects, communities).

  • If applicable, plans for exploitation of the results of the special session (e.g. summary papers).

Proposals will be evaluated based on the timeliness of the topic and relevance to MMM, anticipated quality of papers in the proposed session and the other information from the list above provided by the organisers.

Submission Instructions

Please submit proposals containing the information from above by email to the Community Direction chairs using subject “MMM 2025 Special Session Proposal” by the submission deadline (in the Important Dates section) with the email below:

Receipt of a proposal will be confirmed by the chairs. Proposals will be evaluated based on the relevance to MMM, qualifications of the organizers, and the quality and community interest of the topic and proposed invited papers.

Important Dates

  • Submission Deadline: 18 27 March 2024
  • Notification of Acceptance: 10 April 2024


Multimedia Content Analysis

  • Multimedia indexing
  • Multimedia mining
  • Multimedia abstraction and summarisation
  • Multimedia annotation, tagging and recommendation
  • Multimodal analysis for retrieval applications
  • Semantic analysis of multimedia and contextual data
  • Interactive learning
  • Multimedia knowledge acquisitionand construction
  • Multimedia verification
  • Multimedia fusion methods
  • Multimedia content generation

Multimedia Signal Processing and Communications

  • Media representation and algorithms
  • Multimedia sensors and interaction modes
  • Multimedia privacy, security and content protection
  • Multimedia standards and related issues
  • Multimedia databases, query processing, and scalability
  • Multimedia content delivery, transport and streaming
  • Wireless and mobile multimedia networking
  • Sensor networks (video surveillance, distributed systems)
  • Audio, image, video processing, coding and compression
  • Multi-camera and multi-view systems

Multimedia Applications, Interfaces and Services

  • Media content retrieval, browsing and recommendation tools
  • Extended reality (AR/VR/MR) and virtual environments
  • Real-time and interactive multimedia applications
  • Multimedia analytics applications
  • Egocentric, wearable and personal multimedia
  • Urban and satellite multimedia
  • Mobile multimedia applications
  • Question answering, multimodal conversational AI and hybrid intelligence
  • Multimedia authoring and personalization
  • Cultural, educational and social multimedia applications
  • Multimedia for e-health and medical applications

Ethical, Legal and Societal Aspects of Multimedia

  • Fairness, accountability, transparency and ethics in multimedia modeling
  • Environmental footprint of multimedia modeling
  • Large multimedia models and LLMs
  • Multimodal pretraining and representation learning
  • Reproducibility, interpretability,explainability and robustness
  • Embodied multimodal applications and tasks
  • Responsible multimedia modeling and learning
  • Legal and ethical aspects of multimodal generative AI
  • Multimedia research valorisation
  • Digital transformation